Bestsellers Showcase


Impress your guests and make hosting easy with our 4 best selling canapes.
What you will get: one tray of each flavour, presented in our portable, showcase box.
Delivered to you, ready to serve and eat.

24 x Chicken and mango egg wrap - GF

24 x Prosciutto with goats cheese, pomegranate and pistachios - New but a variation of the prosciutto and blue wrap - GF

24 x Carrot, almond & coriander fritters & coriander pesto - V GF DF

24 x Bloody mary tomato tarts - V

V= Vegetarian
DF = Dairy Free
GF= Gluten Free

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Impress your guests and make hosting easy with our 4 best selling canapes.
What you will get: one tray of each flavour, presented in our portable, showcase box.
Delivered to you, ready to serve and eat.

24 x Chicken and mango egg wrap - GF

24 x Prosciutto with goats cheese, pomegranate and pistachios - New but a variation of the prosciutto and blue wrap - GF

24 x Carrot, almond & coriander fritters & coriander pesto - V GF DF

24 x Bloody mary tomato tarts - V

V= Vegetarian
DF = Dairy Free
GF= Gluten Free

Impress your guests and make hosting easy with our 4 best selling canapes.
What you will get: one tray of each flavour, presented in our portable, showcase box.
Delivered to you, ready to serve and eat.

24 x Chicken and mango egg wrap - GF

24 x Prosciutto with goats cheese, pomegranate and pistachios - New but a variation of the prosciutto and blue wrap - GF

24 x Carrot, almond & coriander fritters & coriander pesto - V GF DF

24 x Bloody mary tomato tarts - V

V= Vegetarian
DF = Dairy Free
GF= Gluten Free

The Picnic Show Case
The Canape Show Case
from NZ$450.00
Holiday bigger bites Showcase
Brunch Show Case
from NZ$360.00